
Military equipment

Obviously, the first weapon, involving people, was a stone or a stick. In principle, they have a monkey to man. This was followed by stone axes, knives, spears. A variety of weapons brought into the world of metal: bronze first, then steel. Metal lets you create all the most bizarre forms, it does not lose its quality.
A long time, armed warrior included knives, combat horse armor. Occasionally used siege guns. The situation has changed with the invention of firearms - having guns and small arms. The invention of the engine also gave impetus to the development of technology. Invented cars broneviki, tanks, planes, helicopters, etc. He obtained a new life and Fleet: Many submarines have, I think unlimited reserve of travel.
Influenced the development of other foreign and Russian military equipment. Often, Russia acted as a «catching» country. So it was with the fleet, which had on several occasions completely restored or built from scratch. But there have been times when military equipment Russia was considered the best in the world. So before and during World War II Soviet tanks were the best in the world. Yes, and the number they overshadow all others.

Vector weapons development suggests the war. In the First World War, marked by protracted fighting position, you need a tank. World War II demanded quick personal weapons, a strong fighter and attack aircraft. In this difficult period, a breakthrough occurred in different techniques, particularly important was the invention of jet engine and atomic bombs. The most recent involves one of the longest wars of modern times - cold. Opposing country ways to improve the delivery of nuclear bombs to the site of detonation. At the same time, qualitatively and quantitatively increased protection against potential bombing attack. Foreign military equipment went on a construction defense throughout its territory. Domestic developers to create a unique technology that could make a riposte, even if the entire country is in ruins.
Now the war - one of the most pribytochnyh businesses. Military equipment and weapons supplied by various countries to private firms. However, in some countries, the production of weapons monopolized the state. In any case, the development of military technologies spent enormous resources: they can reach tens of per cent of the budget.
The best-known military equipment: Kalashnikov rifle, a jeep Hammer, assault rifles M-16, MiG fighter, stealth bomber, attack plane IL-2. This military equipment, photos of which can be seen in any professional journals.

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