
Aircraft carrier

The first aircraft carrier could be called a light cruiser Birmingham, from the deck which in 1910 vzvilsya aircraft. That was the beginning of the formation of the deck aircraft. Initially, it used only as razvedsredstvo, but because there was no need for the construction of special ships and aircraft. But soon was informed capacity aircraft like bombers. It was built for them English aircraft carrier Ark Royal, aircraft which during the First World War, bombed the Turkish ports.
The bulk of aircraft carriers the first half of 20 century, was rebuilt from the ships of other types. The reconfigured from the cargo ship, called the air. At the same time, it was somewhat gidroavianostsev constructed. They were raised with, but could not land. Therefore, using hydroplane, which privodnyalis, and then raised to the deck by crane. True, it was one exception - «red» gidroavianosets «Commune» did not have cranes and aircraft engine raised manually.
By the beginning of the Second World War, a greater number of aircraft-carrying ships had Britain: 7. And another 6 have been built or dostraivalis. At one aircraft carrier was less than Japan's. One was the United States and France. More countries joined the war without aircraft carriers. Many countries participating in the war realized the importance of the use of aircraft carriers, so they were converted cargo ships.
During the Second World after it increased all developing aircraft ships the United States. And now they are a leader in the quantity and quality of aircraft carriers. In Soviet aircraft carriers were built only after the formation of a government Brezhnev. At this moment in Russia only operates one aircraft-carrying cruiser, the rest were sold to foreign countries.
All existing aircraft carriers can be divided into types: aircraft-carrying cruiser, commercial carrier, submarine and air carrier.

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