

Tank - fighting machine, which is endowed with powerful armor and gun. With few exceptions, gun mounted on the mobile tower. This allows for vertical and horizontal aiming at the target. This differs from other armored tanks funds, such as ACS. Artillery installation apparently very similar, but have other weapons, and less armor because beat in an ambush.
Unlike other military equipment, the tank immediately came to fight. This happened during the First World War. In connection with the protracted trench warfare necessitated the suppression of enemy machine-gun points. And in 1916, the first such device was tested in combat conditions. The first tank Mark I was manufactured in three types: male - with a gun, female - with a machine gun, sex - with cannon and machine guns. It was a very fancy car, and from 49 in the first attack to fully participate, only 18. 17 - broke down before the attacks, 9 - after the start, 5 - stuck in the marshes. But despite this, have achieved considerable success, and that was the beginning of battle tanks.
After the first world first in the tank were Britain and France. But later in the race including the U.S., Germany and the USSR, especially high tank was in the Soviet republic. The agents bought up tips and vykradyvali technology from other countries and the beginning of the Second World intercepted the lead in the tank. Dozens of species of tanks made by hundreds and thousands. But the most convenient tanks that have been brainchild American Christie, who has developed a system of independent suspension. In Europe, became the leader of Germany, where Hitler rose to power. Later on two fronts shlestnulis armored forces - a German and Soviet, won, as you know, last. The best tank 20 century was called the Soviet T-34, which was made almost 34 thousand.
After the war, tanks not ceased to develop and prove their need for the army. But now, with the development and mass effective antitank weapons, raises the question of whether the tank troops. In local conflicts tanks easily affects the personal protection equipment, and global - high-precision missiles. But despite the controversy, tank troops in many countries remain one of the main types of troops.

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